What I Say | What I Mean |
"Sure, what ever you want." | "Seriously?! Fine, but I'm going to remember this..." |
"I need a snack." | "I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest." |
"Hopefully you can meet my friends." | "I want more of you in my life and can't wait for my friends to think you're as great as I do!" |
"What are you doing this weekend?" | "You better not be going out with another girl." |
"I could have a cocktail!" | "I may get wasted. I'm single, why not?!" |
"I'm tired." | "I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest." |
"I want to go to Vegas." | "I'm going to Vegas." |
"Go away." | "I'm so done with you and your sh*t if I see you on the road I will run you down." |
"Isn't Mac the cutest?" | "My dog is #1 in my life, don't try to change that, ever." |
"I need a hot tub." | "I need a hot tub, a massage, and a snack, immediately." |
"I'm fine." | "If you can't figure it out read my Twitter feed, ugggg." |
"I should eat..." | "I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest." |
So I get hungry. Big deal. I carry snacks in my purse because of it. I know I should be more open and say what I mean instead of just thinking and acting it, perhaps in 2013. This year is just so jam packed already. In the mean time: I should eat!