- Must be at least six feet tall
- Must have a job
- Must have a car
- Must not live at home
- Non smoker, at all
- Not a drug user, at all
- Single...not divorced, not separated...SINGLE
- No kids!
- Must Love Dogs!!
IF a message meets the minimum requirements I will most likely respond. If the message is rude, just a smart ass comment about my photo, or contains nothing with thought, I will not answer! After some ever so witty banter I agree to meet the occational guy. Here is the last couple of weeks run down:
I met Average Guy at Starbucks after work. He is very average. Very nice, meets the minimum requirements, but sort of boring. He says all the right things, and even though he is a bit of a geek, we trade numbers, and I agree to see him again. We went out a few more times. Once he got me very drunk at a strip club. I love getting drunk at the strip club, but he didn't really entertain me. We went out for dinner a few times too, and watched some TV, and again, he didn't really entertain me. Is it because I compare anyone I meet to the most wonderful memories I have of past men I've dated? Maybe. Probably. I like to think it's because I just haven't met the one for me! The one that can keep me entertained, and that I'm attracted too. I'll keep looking.
I met one other guy in the past few weeks, but he was so boring I don't want to type about it!
I keep logging on to the site in hopes I'll meet the one, or even a close one. I'm giving the site till the end of November, after that I'm deleting my profile. After that I'll have to start leaving the house I guess...
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