Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Puppy

So the guy I've been seeing for 4 months is driving me crazy. Obviously. Since we have no commitment I can see other people... right? Let me fill you in on "The Puppy"

Last summer the cutest guy came into work. We started chatting, and everyone I was working with walked we could be alone. He was so charming, cute, funny and we hit it off. Then he left...

I saw him a few months ago at Walmart, at 9am, wearing no make up and sweat pants. So I didn't talk to him, just ran away.

Then he came into my work again, and again and again. Then he Facebooked me.

We met up a couple weeks ago at the beach, we walked till it was too dark out. Then we went for hot wings and beer. I love hot wings and beer. Then we watched a movie. And fell asleep together. He spent the night with me with no expectations and didn't care how hot it was. It was an awesome first date.

He uses the phone to call me, and we talk! He picked me up last week to go for a drive and we ended up taking a 4 hour mission to Cowichan Lake and back. We both knew we were going to be tired but it didn't matter, we were having a good time.

He is really honest with me, he doesn't want a girl friend, but he's fun. He's sweet, he does what he says he's going to do, and I like it. The three best things about him?

  1. He drives a Chevy one tonne
  2. He has a twin (who I haven't met...yet)
  3. He's 23

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Sleepover Saga

I mentioned to his friend while I was cleaning his house last week that we don't have sleepovers. He was shocked. And he brought it up to him. What are the reasons? Oh yes, I've got them! Apparently he's a hot sleeper. WTF. WTF. WTF. If you really like someone don't you want to sleep in the same bed with them even if you get a little hot? And does he plan on having separate beds when (IF) he gets married so he doesn't get too hot? Did he ever plan on talking about this with me, or just his friends? I'm so irritated about it. I like falling asleep AND waking up with someone I have feelings for. It isn't always the most comfortable sure, sometimes limbs fall asleep, you get hot, or you get drooled on. In the long run it's worth it. Sacrifice, adaptation, compromise, words he needs to look into. I hope he looks into them quickly...before I sleep with his friend!!

His Moving Day

He bought a new house. It's really nice and he's really excited about it. I've been letting it go that he's been so distracted, it's a major purchase and he has a lot on his mind. We've gone shopping for house stuff together, tables, carpets, decking, a shed. It's been really fun to do things as a non couple.

Moving week is here, I booked the truck for him so he could get a discount. He picked up the truck the night before and I went to help him load it up. He was so not packed. When I showed up I started the kitchen packing. After a few minutes he and his roommates left to go pick up a hot tub for the new house. They left me to pack their house, alone. WTF!? I let it go as I do enjoy a hot tub from time to time. They were gone for way longer than he said, but I had no other plans so it was ok. Eventually they made it back and we went for dinner. When we got back to the house I realized he was screwed as it was just him and his two roommates moving the next day so I offered to take the day off to help. I was there till after midnight packing and cleaning, then he said he was going to bed and walked me to my car. He didn't ask me to stay, and at this point I'm not surprised, are you??

I came to help in the morning, packed, un packed, cleaned, organized, things a gf would do. We went back to the old house to do the final clean with his friend. I had to go teach that night so I had to leave at 5:30. I vacuumed, mopped, scrubbed and brought him a sandwich. I just got it all done in time as he was wandering around taking pictures. I went to go and his friend actually had to yell at him that I was leaving. Then again to tell him he should come say good bye. He's stressed, I'm letting it go, wouldn't you?

It's almost August, and I'm going to Vegas this weekend! Yippie!!

June AND July

Ummmm, so pretty much this relationship has gone no where. We are still just texting and hanging out. There are no sleepovers, there has be no relationship defining conversation. He's so frustrating!! But, I did meet another one of his friends, and he's really nice. They both came out to help me at one of my fundraisers. Everyone assumes I'm his gf, but I'm not. I know I should just sit him down and talk about it but there's a few things that really bother ready for them?
  • No sleepovers... wtf??
  • He walks in front of me if I meet up with him while he's working
  • He won't kiss me with lip gloss on
  • I've only met two of his friends, twice!
  • It's all about him when we meet up and what we do
I'm done venting, thanks for listening.

I do like him, but all my friends think hes a douche. I should listen because they are usually right but he's great, the best non boy friend ever. I'll wait it out a bit longer.


So we are almost caught up... I love my new lap top and internet!

I'm seeing the same guy! Yay! He's great. We text constantly, we meet up a few times a week, as much as possible, he's so sweet. We haven't spent the night together again but that's ok, I work lots and he has an important job, so he has to sleep enough and be at home. Plus I don't have a real bed, still an air matress, so I understand. I met his best friend for half an hour once too! So far this is going pretty well.

I decided to buy a bed and couch to make my awesome house on Bear Mountain even more awesome. My mom and I picked out an awesome couch and bed and she agreed to be there at my house when they get delivered. I'm pretty excited, I haven't had a real bed for years!! It's going to be like staying in a hotel every night.

March and April

I know I claimed I was going to delete my online dating profile, but I didn't. Now it's March. I meet a guy online who seems great. He's good looking in the small pictures, seems smart, has a great job, and has a dog. So far so good, but aren't they all at first? We make plans to meet at the lake with our dogs. He actually is cute in real life too! We end up staying at the lake for a while. My dog is a bit of a menace and both of us were covered in sandy mud. I don't mind getting dirty but at one point his dog totally slimed my hand and I held it out to show him what his puppy did. He grabbed my hand and wiped it off. Instantly I got a chill up my spine. I really like this guy. At dark I decide to go, I'm starving, so is the dog. We text each other pretty much immediately after leaving, flirty stuff. He tells me he didn't think I was into him, and I thought the same. I guess I get nervous when I actually like someone, weird.

We had made plans to see each other again on the weekend. We decide to go to his favourite bar, the same bar I had been at a few weeks before when I had my Superbowl Sunday Funday, oh well. I end up getting pretty drunk, his fault, he kept ordering them, and I kept drinking them. After we had gone to a dance club and danced a little and I had a couple more beers we head back to his place. I spend the night, nothing happens, but I had a really good time with him and like him more than I thought I would.

The next week I head to Las Vegas, as I often do. I like to celebrate my birthday with friends and what better place than Vegas? We text the whole entire time I'm there. I buy a toy for his dog and can't wait to get home to see him again.

When I get home I have my in town birthday dinner at the Keg, my fave place to eat. A few of my friends showed up and he accepted my invite to come as well. He sweetly suggested I pack a bag so I could drink with dinner and not drive home as he lived a block from the restaurant. Dinner was great and we headed back to his place after and finished the bottle of wine. I spent the night but still nothing's only been 3 weeks, and I really like him!

So, we text constantly over the next few weeks. He even stops by my truck and leaves a flower on it while I'm working. So sweet!! We don't have the girl friend/boy friend status but it's fine, I like him, we have fun. It's pretty exciting meeting a guy I like and have fun with. I'm just going to relax and see what happens with this one!

Superbowl Sunday Funday

I told you it's been a while since I had Internet so we are playing catch up... Here's a little back ground on this one:

When I lived in a big city in the east I dated a professional hockey player. It happens there more than people admit. I broke up with him when they got kicked out of the playoffs last year, and haven't dated anyone since. There's some history, here's some February...

So I've been single forever. I'm getting pretty sick of it. I'm now going to make an actual effort to meet a boyfriend. I meet lots of guys that I go out with once but nothing ever worth dating or taking of my clothes for. Since it's Superbowl Sunday I know boys will be out, and I planned to meet my friends at a pub. I'm also planning on talking to at least one boy.

I end up getting ridiculously drunk. Big surprise. We end up bar hopping to a few locations. Again, big surprise. the bars are at least full of men, even a few good looking ones. The only ones who I end up talking to are hockey players. Wow, bet you didn't see that one coming! It's like I'm a magnet for pro hockey players. I don't get it, but at this point, why fight fate? Who am I to question the master plan? I go with it.

We end up going back to hockey boys hotel...yes, the biggest shock of the night. I end up in room 505 with five of them. I love their persistence and team spirit, but's not happening boys! We drunk dial our mutual friends and share some beauty stories. Eventually I leave and the rookie follows me to the lobby but I evade. He is, after all, the rookie. It's now three in the morning and I'm blind drunk, in a cab with and East Indian driver listening to the blues. What a suitable end to the night. I can't believe the Colts lost...

The follow up....

So I've had no internet access... I'm pretty sure that's a blessing consitering how the online dating is going!! Here's what happened on that terrible date:

I met Mr. Help Me at Milestones for drinks. Don't judge me, I get what I deserve. He has a slight lisp. He definately isn't my type. I don't find him at all attractive. He is at least tall enough, and punctual. Gotta look on the bright side right??

After punding back my bellini and orering a "special" coffee we discuss high school. We went to the same one...had the same grad year... WHAT?!?! Who is this guy?! I thought I knew everyone in our high school, it wasn't that big! I totally do not recognize him, or his name. I don't want to ask his last name in fear of seeming interested. I said don't judge me! He says he hasn't kept in touch with anyone from high school, neither have I, but seriously, who is this guy? I must find old year books at moms house.

After a third drink, a 6oz glass of Ravenswood, I'm watching the boring Oilers/Colorado game trying to figure out how I'm going to escape. Thank goodness I always bring my dog with me. I claim he needs to pee. Of course this guy parks right beside me. I told you, I get what I deserve. So now I have to let my dog out to pee in the parking lot. He goes "awwwww, hes sooooo cute" about my pup. Now he's even less attractive. Don't get me wrong, this guy seems smart, is super nice, and I'm sure he would make a fabulous husband. Definately not for me though. I don't think I could even go out with him again. Why must I live on an island? I am deleting my online dating profile the instant I find internet...