Friday, August 6, 2010

His Moving Day

He bought a new house. It's really nice and he's really excited about it. I've been letting it go that he's been so distracted, it's a major purchase and he has a lot on his mind. We've gone shopping for house stuff together, tables, carpets, decking, a shed. It's been really fun to do things as a non couple.

Moving week is here, I booked the truck for him so he could get a discount. He picked up the truck the night before and I went to help him load it up. He was so not packed. When I showed up I started the kitchen packing. After a few minutes he and his roommates left to go pick up a hot tub for the new house. They left me to pack their house, alone. WTF!? I let it go as I do enjoy a hot tub from time to time. They were gone for way longer than he said, but I had no other plans so it was ok. Eventually they made it back and we went for dinner. When we got back to the house I realized he was screwed as it was just him and his two roommates moving the next day so I offered to take the day off to help. I was there till after midnight packing and cleaning, then he said he was going to bed and walked me to my car. He didn't ask me to stay, and at this point I'm not surprised, are you??

I came to help in the morning, packed, un packed, cleaned, organized, things a gf would do. We went back to the old house to do the final clean with his friend. I had to go teach that night so I had to leave at 5:30. I vacuumed, mopped, scrubbed and brought him a sandwich. I just got it all done in time as he was wandering around taking pictures. I went to go and his friend actually had to yell at him that I was leaving. Then again to tell him he should come say good bye. He's stressed, I'm letting it go, wouldn't you?

It's almost August, and I'm going to Vegas this weekend! Yippie!!

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