Friday, August 6, 2010

The follow up....

So I've had no internet access... I'm pretty sure that's a blessing consitering how the online dating is going!! Here's what happened on that terrible date:

I met Mr. Help Me at Milestones for drinks. Don't judge me, I get what I deserve. He has a slight lisp. He definately isn't my type. I don't find him at all attractive. He is at least tall enough, and punctual. Gotta look on the bright side right??

After punding back my bellini and orering a "special" coffee we discuss high school. We went to the same one...had the same grad year... WHAT?!?! Who is this guy?! I thought I knew everyone in our high school, it wasn't that big! I totally do not recognize him, or his name. I don't want to ask his last name in fear of seeming interested. I said don't judge me! He says he hasn't kept in touch with anyone from high school, neither have I, but seriously, who is this guy? I must find old year books at moms house.

After a third drink, a 6oz glass of Ravenswood, I'm watching the boring Oilers/Colorado game trying to figure out how I'm going to escape. Thank goodness I always bring my dog with me. I claim he needs to pee. Of course this guy parks right beside me. I told you, I get what I deserve. So now I have to let my dog out to pee in the parking lot. He goes "awwwww, hes sooooo cute" about my pup. Now he's even less attractive. Don't get me wrong, this guy seems smart, is super nice, and I'm sure he would make a fabulous husband. Definately not for me though. I don't think I could even go out with him again. Why must I live on an island? I am deleting my online dating profile the instant I find internet...

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