Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lost in Translation

So what I say is not always what I mean. Shocking huh? Since I'm a big believer in actions speaking louder than words I just assume people know what I'm thinking and feeling. Aren't you all mind readers?! Now I do agree, sometimes I'm pushing it. How is anyone supposed to know that an invite to my Birthday dinner was actually me asking why we don't spend more nights together? But some are pretty obvious, I thought... So, here's a little translation of my more commonly used phrases just so we're all on the same page.

What I Say What I Mean
"Sure, what ever you want." "Seriously?! Fine, but I'm going to remember this..."
"I need a snack.""I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest."
"Hopefully you can meet my friends." "I want more of you in my life and can't wait for my friends to think you're as great as I do!"
"What are you doing this weekend?""You better not be going out with another girl."
"I could have a cocktail!""I may get wasted. I'm single, why not?!"
"I'm tired.""I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest."
"I want to go to Vegas.""I'm going to Vegas."
"Go away.""I'm so done with you and your sh*t if I see you on the road I will run you down."
"Isn't Mac the cutest?""My dog is #1 in my life, don't try to change that, ever."
"I need a hot tub.""I need a hot tub, a massage, and a snack, immediately."
"I'm fine.""If you can't figure it out read my Twitter feed, ugggg."
"I should eat...""I need food NOW, or someone will DIE, and you're closest."

So I get hungry. Big deal. I carry snacks in my purse because of it. I know I should be more open and say what I mean instead of just thinking and acting it, perhaps in 2013. This year is just so jam packed already. In the mean time: I should eat!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The "C" Word

So big surprise, 2012 hasn't been going according to plan. Typing my goals was such a great idea, I put them all out there for everyone to see. It's almost freaking April...I've only been to one yoga class this year, read half of 4 books, and forgot about the video blog all together until 5 seconds ago! I have drank different wine (lots of it) with friends, I have gone out with my friends (mostly with wine too), I've called my out of town bff's a few times. The one thing I've done really well is trip planning. I have two trips to Vegas booked and one to the Stampede. (By the way: I think the Stampede is like Vegas, what happens there stays there, so don't expect any posts about it.) I guess I'm on the right track, but my expectations of myself are clearly high. I am working an excessive amount right now so I should give myself a little leeway, fine. 2012 is right on track! So what could possibly derail it?!
Yes, a boy. Isn't it always a boy?! I'm not placing blame, there is none to place. I'm just...sayin'. Technically I'm single, but my heart is taken by someone I can't call my own. Why? Because I can't admit I c@re. Ug, I can't even type it. So I guess there is blame, it's my fault! He's patient, smart, fun, thoughtful, cute, funny, responsible, respectful and I could go on. He makes me want to miss work just to see him. He's fantastic. Does he know I think this? No. Again, because I can't admit I c@re. I guess what I'm saying is one day I'm going to tell him I c@re about him, and once that's out there I have to make sure I don't lose track of what I still want to do with my year. My wine is important. Oh, so is the travel, yoga, reading, video blogging and my friends, obviously! I guess I can add more things to my 2012 To Do List. And maybe The "C" Word  should be one of them...