Monday, October 11, 2010

September part one

I get easily distracted and forget to write. Sorry... So here is what happened last month with the non bf.

We go to a fundraiser together for an organization he is very involved in. I show up at his house, in a dress, with curled hair, and dinner. He and I both worked all day yes, but I made a lasagna the night before, after I worked and taught. It even had his initial in it in cheese. Tragic I know. But his friend (who I've been BBMing) said it was cute and he'd like it. Well, he hardly said anything about the dress. I love this dress. So I was a little disappointed. I don't remember if he mentioned my cute hair, as I was so crushed about the dress. We ate and he took forever getting ready. We took my car downtown and tried to park. He refused to park in the lot right across the street because it was going to cost $12. WHAT???? So annoying. We find another lot, same price. Now we are late. He finds a spot someone is pulling out of. The person took a long time and he got so irritated. Not a side of him I had seen before, or liked. All this and we haven't made it to the event yet? I should have just gone home...

We finally get to the event. He has no cash so I pay at the door for both of us. A few people he work with were there. He didn't introduce me. So I BBM his friend who was also coming to see where he was. I ended up talking to him more than my date! Eventually his friend showed up. The first thing he says to me? "Nice dress!" Now that's all I wanted to hear. Why couldn't the guy I've been dating for 5 months tell me that?? We switched locations. As my date couldn't be bothered to put his arms around me to keep me warm, his friend gave me his jacket. Now why couldn't I have met his friend first?

The dress at the fund raiser.
I won't bore you with the rest of the terrible night. That and I have blocked most of it out. Let's just say my friends are right, he is a douche and I can do better. But why can't I stay away??

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